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A Bride for Christmas (Sweet Regency Novella) Page 6

  Nash reappeared and introduced the next act. "We have for you an original charade featuring my nephews, The Earl of Claredon and Lord Frank Whitmore, and my niece, Lady Julie Sinclair."

  Julie was led onto the center of the stage by Clemmie, who then left. Everett and Frank strode out wearing paper armor and carrying wooden swords. On the opposite side of the stage came St. George, and upon being directed to do so by Mr. Sinclair who was offstage, the dog sat and barked. The children in the audience laughed.

  One of the twins raised his sword and announced in a loud voice. "I'm Uncle Nash—I mean, I'm Captain Sinclair and I've come to save you from the fierce dragon, my lady."

  The other boy stepped forward with a similar wave of his weapon. "And I'm Jim Pulk, and I'll save you first."

  Julie said nothing as her cousins ran towards the dog who sat calmly, tongue lolling from his open, drooling jaws. The boys waved their swords fiercely at St. George, who wagged his tail but remained sitting.

  The twin portraying Jim Pulk whispered, "Lie down, George. You're supposed to play dead."

  St. George licked the boy's face. The other twin jumped on the dog's back and wrestled him to the floor. The boy jumped up and waved his sword. "I've killed him!"

  The audience laughed, St. George barked, and the boys ran back to the fair princess standing center stage. They knelt on either side of her. "We have slayed the dragon, my lady. The king has promised your hand to one of us. You must choose which of us you'll marry."

  Julie looked at her two cousins and quickly pointed to one. "I choose Frankie."

  Frank, who had proclaimed himself to be Captain Sinclair, took her hand and bowed his head. He then rose and led her off the stage. Everett called St. George and followed.

  Julianna saw Mr. Sinclair return to announce the final performance, but she heard not a word of what he spoke. Had she truly seen what just played out? Mr. Sinclair had slayed her dragon, presenting himself as the only candidate for her hand.

  It was what she had hoped for, and what she feared all at once. Far beyond the bet, she now had to make the most important decision of her life. No longer could she think of escaping to the safety of her home in Lyminster. She must examine her feelings and make certain she could live with the choice she made.

  While the last of Mr. Sinclair's cousins performed, Julianna slipped out into the hallway where the cooler air was a refreshing relief. She couldn't say whether it was the crowd or the emotion of the play that had her cheeks burning, her entire person tingling with warmth. She heard the door open and close behind her and feared she'd have to answer before she was ready.

  To her relief, Clemmie grabbed her elbow and pulled her into the library, where the fire burned in case any of the guests wished to escape the activity of the evening. "What was that we just saw?"

  "The charade? I'm sure I couldn't—"

  "Julianna. I know better."

  "It was all a silly wager. A simple question taken far beyond the answer given."

  "Between you and Nash?"

  "Yes. He asked me what sort of gentleman I preferred. I had told him I have no intention of marrying, as I had given my heart to Jim Pulk."

  "The lad of the dragon legend?"

  "The same. I thought if I insisted on marrying a man who killed dragons I was safe."

  Clemmie's frown of concern softened into a smile. "Of course, because you'd never done battle with Mr. Sinclair."

  Julianna shook her head. "I don't know what to do. These past few days he's given me small dragon carvings and drawings, all leading to this evening."

  "You mentioned a wager?"

  "Yes. He said he could present to me a man whose offer I couldn't refuse."

  "I see. And can you? Decline his offer?"

  "Well, he hasn't off—"


  She sighed, wringing her hands. "I don't want to. But I would make him a perfectly horrid wife. I'm not suited to having a house filled with children. Of putting my husband's wishes first. I only think of myself."

  Clemmie put an arm around her and led her to the chaise. "You are thinking of Nash right now, considering his needs over yours. You are loving and generous, and you are an excellent aunt to Julie and Edward. How can you doubt yourself so?"

  "He nearly gave his life for his country, Clemmie. He deserves a wife who will honor him, and deserve his love."

  "So you will love him and honor him and work to be the wife you feel he deserves." Clemmie smoothed a hand over Julianna's upswept hair. "It's what we all do, sweetling. I must admit I never expected you to act this way over any gentleman, but I think you have chosen well."

  "Have I? Chosen, I mean?"

  "Silly girl. Ask your heart what it wishes."

  A knock sounded at the door and Mr. Sinclair stuck his head inside. "Clementina, Marianne is looking for you. She wishes to draw the Twelfth Night cards now and get the players ready."

  With a quick hug, Clemmie rose and left the library. Julianna watched Mr. Sinclair walk slowly into the room. He bowed when he reached her. "Did you enjoy the children's entertainments this evening?"

  "Why yes. Your cousins sing and play well."

  "Quite so. Talented family we are. And what did you think of the charade?"

  "Julie played her part quite well. As did St. George. The twins did rather well, too, if a little enthusiastic, when battling the dragon."

  "Yes, I had to tame them a bit since the early rehearsals. Is that all you have to say about the evening?"

  "Oh, the evening is still young. I understand your mother will have some of us portraying the Twelfth Night characters during the ball. It should prove quite entertaining."

  He took a step closer. "Lady Julianna, I'm certain you did not miss my point in the charade."

  Her stomach quivered as if a hundred butterflies awakened. "No, sir. I did not."

  Mr. Sinclair sank onto the chaise close enough she could feel the heat from his person envelop her. "We have the outcome of a wager to decide."

  "Yes, we do." She took a deep breath. Would he kiss her now?

  "For the sake of propriety, shall we first determine who is the winner?"

  "Sir, if you plan to kiss me while we are alone in here, I believe propriety has been ignored."

  He reached for her hand and stroked his thumb over her skin. "I suppose you're correct. Still, as a man I must know whether I've won or lost. Have I presented to you a man capable of winning your heart?"

  She nodded. "You have."

  His lips twitched slightly in their smile. "I see. And has he won that heart?"

  She had no hesitation. "He has."

  Mr. Sinclair raised her hand to his lips, then captured it between his hands. "Lady Julianna, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

  "The honor would be mine. Yes, yes, I will marry you." She burst into laughter nearing on tears. "Oh, Mr. Sinclair, you have truly shattered what I believed was the best life for me."

  "Please, call me Nash." He placed a finger under her chin and lifted her face, leaning forward to press his warm, soft lips to hers.

  All her thoughts fled on the wings of butterflies. She held onto his shoulders to keep from falling as the chaise seemed to tip beneath her. All too quickly cool air hit her lips. She opened her eyes to see Nash smiling down on her.

  "You make me the happiest of men. I know most men must say that, but it's the truth, dear Julianna. May I call you Julianna?"

  "Yes, of course. My family would think it odd if you didn't."

  He sat up straight, distancing himself. "Your family. Lud, your father. I must speak to him before we tell the others."

  "You look rather pale. I thought you capable of slaying dragons."

  "I've confronted many a dragon on the battlefield, but never the father of the lady I wish to marry."

  "You will do fine, Nash. I know you will."

  Rising, he offered a hand to help her stand. "We should get back. The others will wonder where we are."

>   She laughed softly. "Those who know us will suspect where we are. If not the correct room, they will have guessed your intent."

  "We'd best hurry."

  The benches and chairs had all been pushed to the walls of the large room to make room for dancers. Mrs. Collingwood sat at the pianoforte while her husband stood nearby sawing on his fiddle. The music was quite festive and lifted Nash's spirits even higher than Julianna's words had. If he didn't know better he'd look to see that his feet actually remained on the floor.

  Nash stood up with Julianna for the next two dances, then let her find her sister while he went in search of Lord Carrington. When a search of the parlor failed to turn him up, Nash went to the drawing room where card tables had been set up.

  He found Carrington in the middle of a game of Vingt-un with Nash's father, his brother-in-law and a few local men. Not wishing to interrupt the game, Nash hung back near the door. After some short time passed, Carrington called out. "I suppose you've something to say to me?"

  "Yes, sir. I wish a moment of your time when you are free."

  The earl slapped his cards down on the table and shoved his chair back. "These cards are not in my favor tonight. You might be saving me from the poorhouse." He nodded as he passed Nash and waited for him in the hallway.

  Nash motioned towards the library. "I believe we can be alone there."

  "Is that where you had my daughter this past hour?" the earl asked gruffly.

  Nash tugged at his waistcoat to keep from fisting his hands. "We were only in private for a few minutes. I would never dishonor Lady Julianna in any way."

  The older man burst out laughing and slapped Nash between the shoulder blades. "I was young once myself, lad. I've seen the way the two of you have been speaking to one another as if no one else existed. I'm guessing that is why we're here."

  "Yes, sir. Your daughter has done me a great honor in agreeing to become my wife."

  "Has she." It was a statement, not a question. "Had you come to me two weeks ago and said this I would have expressed surprise. I did not think to ever see her marry."

  "She told me she had no plans to marry."

  "And you have convinced her otherwise. Is that what the charade was about this evening? Dogs and hooligans with swords and that precious granddaughter of mine?"

  "Yes sir."

  "I will let you keep the true meaning between yourselves. She seems happier than I've seen her in years. You will see to it she remains that way?"

  "I will, sir."

  He cuffed Nash on the arm. "Good man. Now, where does your father keep his brandy? I've a feeling I'll need some as we settle into negotiations."

  In the wee hours of the morning as the dancers were slow to take the floor and most of the children had been put down with blankets in the nursery, Lord Renford raised his glass of wassail and called for attention. "Before you all return to your homes, I leave you with a most joyful announcement. My son Nash, late of the 13 Light Dragoons, has just this evening delighted us with the news of his betrothal to Lady Julianna Dowsett. Please raise your glass with me in a toast to the happy couple."

  Nash bowed his head in response to the cheers from their guests, and stole a glance at his lady. Julianna glowed, her cheeks brightly colored as if they'd danced a rollicking jig. Her hand on his arm tightened. Speaking in low tones, he asked, "Do you not enjoy the attentions of a crowd?"

  "Most decidedly not." Her smile never wavered.

  "Then it is lucky for you I am a younger son. We'll have no vassals or tenants to sing our praises at the harvest festival every year."

  Her eyes widened and she gave him a most startled look. "None? On whom shall we impose our excess sides of dragon?"

  Nash chuckled and patted her hand on his sleeve. "Yes, my fair lady, we shall be the happiest of couples."

  The End

  Other Books by Aileen Fish

  Excerpts and other format buy links are available at

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  Enya's job is to escort the dying on their final journey, to make sure their souls get to heaven before a demon can steal their bodies. For centuries she has done this without emotion, until the body in question belongs to Kane Sullivan. Not only does she desire his rock-hard body, she can't bear the thought of him dying. But she's not supposed to become emotionally involved in a death.

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  When Nash Sinclair sees Lady Juliana holding their newborn nephew in her arms, he decides it is time he took a wife. Juliana, however, insists only a man who slays dragons would suit, and since dragons don't exist, neither does her ideal beau. Not one to turn away from a challenge, Nash enlists the aid of his nieces and nephews in a scheme sure to win Lady Juliana's heart.

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  When Robert Wilmot, Viscount Alderton, catches his intended betrothed, Lady Caroline Stone, under the mistletoe, he can't resist stealing a kiss. He's quite surprised to discover her cousin, Isabella Stone, in his arms. And more surprised at how much he enjoyed kissing her. Now he must decide if marriage to Lady Caroline is truly what he wants, or if he should go against their families' wishes and pursue Isabella.

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  Morley's plans for a quiet Christmas vanish when he discovers the sweet young lady hiding under the blankets in his carriage. As she claims an acquaintance with his sister, he feels duty-bound to see her safely back to her family.

  A broken carriage wheel leaves them stranded, and Harriet's reputation is at stake. Morley's not ready to take a wife, until he's told he wouldn't be a suitable husband for her. With memories of her sweet, tempting kiss filling his thoughts, he prepares to fight for the hand of the woman he believes he could love.

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  The minute he meets Gabi Peters, Jon McCracken seriously questions his decision to move to California. This isn't the change he was looking for; this is an E-ticket ride through Fantasyland. Gabi would be a hot catch if she wasn't crazy. But she spends her free time recapturing memories of a young woman who died decades before Gabi was born. She visits her past lives like most women read a favorite romance novel. How does a guy compete with the ghost of a small-town war hero who died for his country?

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